

Electronic resources

The library has subscriptions for two research providers which disseminate digitized periodicals in English and Spanish.

Dialnet Plus

Is research tool specializing in digitalized academic journals and has the option of downloading full-text articles in .pdf format. Although conceived as an interdisciplinary tool, it mostly focusses on human, legal and social sciences. Also, as a Dialnet Plus user you can to receive email alerts, according to your preferences.
All users have access from any PC inside the campus.
To watch a brief tutorial click here.


Is a shared digital library created in 1995 to help university and college libraries free up space on their shelves, save costs, and provide greater levels of access to more content than ever before.
JSTOR currently includes more than 2,000 academic journals, dating back to the first volume ever published, along with thousands of monographs and other materials relevant for education.
All users have access from any PC inside the campus.
To watch a brief tutorial click here.